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Sarah Ryan, Central Coast The Entrance Ward

I moved to the Central Coast 7 years ago, to work as a paramedic, and quickly fell in love with the Coast and community. Since then, I have graduated as a registered nurse and now serve the community in both roles. Engaging with people in their homes and during their times of greatest need has given me a deep understanding of the community's needs and an insight into what I can do to help improve the quality of life.

I am running for council because I am dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of our region for future generations, by advocating for the protection of our oceans, our native bushland, and the animals that share these precious and unique ecosystems with us.  Being an ex-veterinary nurse, and rescue cat owner, I understand the human-animal bond and how important that is.  With issues such as the ‘dogs in open spaces’  motion, council-funded desexing programs, and establishing the new pound facility approved for Mardi, I will be the voice to keep animal welfare at the forefront.

I have been a proud and active member of the Animal Justice Party for 7 years. As the regional Group Leader for the Central Coast, I have been involved in many local campaigns including the collaborative effort from the community and other groups to stop the development of a cow feedlot and a puppy farm here on the Coast.  I am the head of the AJP NSW state-wide campaign against Shark Nets and am involved in the campaign to ban live export and greyhound racing. Our AJP group also hold regular clean-up days at long jetty foreshore, helping to keep our parks and waterways waste-free.

I am passionate about making the Central Coast a safe and desirable place to live. As councilor I will push for more efficient road maintenance, for better waste management systems in public places, to improve the safety of outdoor spaces for adults, and to increase the number of modern play areas for the youngest generation of Coasties. 

I am running as a candidate for the Entrance, but if elected, I will be a representative for similar issues spanning the entire Central Coast LGA.  I will also use my position as councilor to advocate for our community on issues relevant to the state or federal government.

A vote for me, is a vote for animals, for people, and for the planet.


[email protected]

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Sarah Ryan, Central Coast The Entrance Ward

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