Thank you for considering making a bequest to the Animal Justice Party's NSW Branch. A bequest will help give animals a bigger political voice. A voice that will create a better world for animals.
If you decide to make a bequest to the Animal Justice Party, please make sure you discuss it with your family and friends and let them know your wishes.
100% of the money you bequest to the Animal Justice Party's NSW branch will go towards our state election campaign fund.
You can prepare a will yourself, but it is often safer to seek professional advice and assistance.
Remember to use our full legal name and our ABN - Animal Justice Party Ltd’s NSW Branch ABN 87 602 235 950.
Here is some sample wording:
“I give to the Animal Justice Party Ltd’s NSW Branch ABN 87602235950 (the sum of $____________, or a specific item, or ___% share, or residue of my estate), which I direct to be paid free from all expenses and duties of whatever kind. I express the wish that this be done in the name/memory of (insert your chosen name). I declare that the receipt issued by the Animal Justice Party Ltd's NSW Branch ABN 87602235950 in respect of this Bequest shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my trustee.”
If you do decide to make a bequest to us please let us know so we can thank you, and do get in touch if you have questions or need clarification.
You can contact the NSW Treasurer at [email protected].