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Northern Beaches Animal Justice Party Meeting

September Meeting – Northern Beaches Animal Justice Party

As a member of the Animal Justice Party on The Northern Beaches, you are invited to our local group meeting next week. We meet once per month to discuss local animal and environmental issues and upcoming events and campaigns. Join us to find out how you can get active for animals in our local area, and help grow the Party on The Northern Beaches.

What: 12th September Meeting, Northern Beaches - Animal Justice Party Regional Group

When: 6.30pm-7.30pm for the formal meeting and a 30 minute general discussion afterwards -optional

Where: Via Zoom

RSVP: Please keep your confirmation email with the link to join prior to the meeting after registering 

Your role: We would love to meet you! Come say hello and meet other local members, and find out what we’ve been working on for animals on the Northern Beaches

 Together, we can be a powerful force for change – from shark nets to 1080, wildlife black spots on our roads to Council sanctioned circuses

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

September 12, 2023
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Susan Sorensen ·
Tiffany Treloar Eve McWilliams Noelia Lago Shannon O’Neill Paola Disanto Clelia Valdez

Northern Beaches Animal Justice Party Meeting

Will you come?