We'll be running a stall at the Granny Smith Festival and we need your help
Saturday 21 October
9:00am - 3:30pm
Help needed in the lead-up to the festival - September and October 2023
- Donations of books in good condition - vegan cookbooks, books about animals for adults and children
- Volunteers to collect and organise books
- Volunteer to organise raffle
- Volunteer to organise petitions
- Volunteer for social media posts promoting our stall on FaceBook and Instagram - 1-2 posts per week
Volunteers on 21 October
- Set-up stall (7:00am- 8:00am)
- Volunteers on the stall for 1-2 hour shifts - or longer if you wish!
- Stall pack-down (3:30pm - 5:00pm)
Please Call or email me if you are interested.
Carmen Terceiro
Sydney North West Regional Group Leader
Animal Justice Party