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Climate Change

We need to declare a climate emergency and biodiversity emergency at every level of government as the first step towards systemic change and climate justice.

We need strong targets to reduce emissions over the coming years. Therefore, the Animal Justice Party does not support dead-end solutions such as offsets, natural gas or shifting our emissions offshore. Our targets should be specific and measurable. We are committed to:

  • 30% methane emissions reduction by 2030
  • 100% renewable energy target by 2030
  • 50% reduction in carbon dioxide by 2030

We cover the following areas below: Fossil Fuels; Animal Agriculture; Land Restoration & Carbon Drawdowns; Carbon & Biodiversity Offsets; and the Role of First Nations People.

Fossil Fuels

  • Immediately ban the construction of new coal, oil and gas infrastructure, ensuring we can transition our economy to zero carbon energy while maintaining a safe climate
  • Phase out the mining, burning and export of thermal coal by 2030 
  • Develop clean industrial and energy infrastructure and export those technologies to the world
  • Assist workers in fossil fuel industries to transition into new careers in renewables and other non-polluting industries.

Animal Agriculture

The Animal Justice Party is the only party that acknowledges the role animal agriculture plays in climate change. The agricultural sector’s greenhouse gas emissions are a leading cause of global warming; methane from cows and other ruminant animals makes up 42% of this. We also recognise the real damage done by indirect emissions from the land clearing animal agriculture requires.

To combat animal agriculture’s effect on climate change, we will:

  • Provide government support to assist businesses and workers currently working in animal agriculture to re-train and transition into more sustainable and humane plant-based industries, including emerging industries in plant-based alternatives (e.g. alternative milks and proteins), as well as cell-based meats.
  • Phase out subsidies to the animal agriculture industry and re-direct those subsidies to industries that do not exploit animals or nature.
  • Ensure that land damaged by harmful animal agriculture is reforested to provide new carbon sinks that will help regulate greenhouse gases and provide much-needed habitat for our native wildlife.

Land Restoration and Carbon Drawdowns

  • Ending land clearing and native forest logging so we can ensure we protect the carbon already captured in our native forests and grasslands
  • Restoring ecosystem function (rewilding) by ensuring 30% of NSW private land is placed under conservation agreements that meet the criteria of the IUCN
  • All endangered and critically endangered ecosystems should be protected to prevent further loss. 

Carbon and Biodiversity Offsets

  • Abolish NSW Government carbon and biodiversity offsets scheme, and encourage real reductions in emissions by high emissions industries like fossil fuels, transport and agriculture.

Role of First Nations People

There is an important role for First Nations people and local communities in advising and leading the protection and climate-proofing of nature and local communities. We support governance and solutions that enable First Nations people to adopt these leadership roles.