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Stop the Circus: Give Bella, Zippy and Jet a Real Sanctuary

Bella, Zippy and Jet were purposely bred into tiny chlorinated pools for entertainment at the misleading Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary (previously known as pet porpoise pool). There are zero rescued dolphins at this cruel and deceptive facility. All the dolphins are there to be exploited for the entertainment of tourists. 

They are confined to an artificial world where they are forced to perform circus tricks and used in daily photo ops for human entertainment. This misleading ‘sanctuary’ fails to provide the enriching environment they need, instead isolating them in tiny, barren pools and forcing them to perform and interact with humans. The facility denies dolphins the natural lives they deserve, exploiting them under the guise of education and conservation.

Dolphins are highly intelligent, social animals who have been observed using sea sponges as beak protectors while hunting and engaging in complex behaviours, demonstrating remarkable creativity and problem-solving abilities. In the wild, dolphins are the ultimate sea surfers, racing through the waves, travelling up to 80 miles a day at speeds of almost 20 miles per hour.  Yet for Bella, Zippy and Jet these natural instincts and joys remain out of reach.

  • This facility misleads the public, claiming to be a sanctuary, yet every dolphin here was purpose-bred for captivity. There are zero rescued dolphins in their tanks, only animals purposefully bred to live out their lives performing for human amusement.
  • Captive dolphins and seals endure exploitative routines, dolphins spin hula hoops,  seals are forced to paint, seals forced to do hand stands and animals dancing. There are even inappropriate twerking videos with seals for social media as well as being exposed for dolphin rides. Circus-style tricks and being exposed for dolphin rides is further proof this is not a real sanctuary.
  • Noisy parties, photo ops, and "swim with dolphin program” add stress to these animals’ already confined lives. In their small tanks, they have nowhere to escape from the relentless noise and human interactions, leaving them distressed and vulnerable.
  • Zippy the dolphin has tumours yet is still forced to perform for audiences, a heartbreaking example of the facility’s disregard for animal welfare. Tragically, a baby dolphin named Ji died here after swallowing litter and metal that hadn’t been cleared from the tank. His siblings remain trapped, with serious concerns for their health and future.

“No animal should have to spend their life being held captive and forced to perform humiliating tricks for a dwindling number of spectators.” - MP Emma Hurst

This facility’s cruelty must end.

The most extreme forms of exploitation must be stopped, including noisy parties, photo ops, circus tricks and swim-with-dolphins programs. A facility calling itself a sanctuary should at the very least provide a naturalistic environment, yet the show pool is 20% smaller than the legal standards allow, operating only with a licence variation. This is not a real sanctuary.

A real sanctuary offers animals a safe, natural environment to live freely, with no exploitation for entertainment or profit. It focuses on rescue, rehabilitation and respecting the animals' autonomy and natural behaviours. In such a sanctuary, animals are not forced to perform tricks or interact with humans for entertainment. Instead, their health, social structures, and dignity are supported. It's a space where animals can live peacefully, experiencing a life closer to what they would have in the wild.

We urge Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary to stop exploiting animals for entertainment. It’s time for Bella, Zippy and Jet to be given the dignity that they deserve. 

We demand: 

  • Remove the cruel barrier that is preventing dolphins from using both pools during animal interactions. It is simply cruel to not allow them to be able to escape stressful hands-on interactions. This is also further denying them their already small living space. 
  • Stop the circus style tricks and immediately stop the touching of animals and swim-with-dolphin programs. There is no excuse to continue to allow tourists to touch exploited wildlife or swim with them in swimming pools. 
  • Give the dolphins a true sanctuary where they can retire in peace and experience a more natural environment. Real sanctuaries provide a naturalistic and spacious environment, not a swimming pool that is 20% smaller than the legal standards. 

Dolphin captivity is not conservation or education. These animals are not born to perform. It is animal cruelty not a sanctuary. 

Sign now to help end this exploitation and give Bella, Jet and Zippy the retirement that they deserve at a real sanctuary.

Stop the Circus: Give Bella, Zippy and Jet a Real Sanctuary

2,973 Signatures Collected

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