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Vote for Koalas

This NSW state election will decide the fate of koalas. Please join us outside our local MP's office to voice your concern about the impending extinction of koalas in NSW and that this is an important election issue. This will be a short action to get some media spotlight onto koalas and the need to vote for koalas in this election. The more  #1 votes there are for AJP will tell  the new Government that wildlife and other animals really do matter. 

March 03, 2023
10am - 10:30am
Geoff Provest MP office
103 Minjungbal Drive
Tweed Heads South, NSW 2486
Google map and directions
Susie Hearder · · 0447416763
Sophia Fletcher Marine Kernaleguen Sacha Zunic

Vote for Koalas

Will you come?