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Ban 1080 on the Northern Beaches

Target: Northern Beaches Council 


1080 is a poison so dangerous it has been banned almost everywhere in the world. However, the Northern Beaches Council engages in the use of 1080 as part of an outdated pest management plan to kill foxes. It is used in parks and reserves across the Northern Beaches including Manly Dam, Manly Vale, Allenby Park, Allambie Heights, Forestville Park, Forestville, Middle Creek Reserve, Oxford Falls and Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge.

Campbelltown and the Blue Mountains Councils have banned toxic 1080 because of concerns about the pain, suffering and violent death inflicted upon animals unfortunate enough to ingest the toxin in addition to concerns about the lasting impact on the environment.

1080 is a deadly poison that acts through ingestion, inhalation or skin absorption and is listed as a Schedule S7 Dangerous Poison in Australia and a Class 1a pesticide2 (Extremely Hazardous) by the World Health Organisation. It is toxic to all warm-blooded animals including native wildlife, companion animals and humans. 1080 poison baiting can impact native carnivores, scavengers, and domestic dogs, who are highly susceptible to 1080 poisoning which often can lead to ‘secondary poisoning’.

There is no antidote and the slow, excruciating, painful death has left families heartbroken by the loss of their companion animal(s). Meanwhile, the silent indiscriminate killing of native wildlife such as powerful owls, goannas, kookaburras, magpies and bandicoots continues unaddressed.

This petition of concerned residents calls for the Northern Beaches Council to:

  • Immediately ban the use of 1080 poison (Sodium Fluoroacetate) from all council-owned and/or managed bushland, parklands and reserves.


  • Invest in non-lethal humane alternatives such as immuno-contraceptives, fencing, protection of habitat and the use of guard animals. 


  • Call for investment into research for the biological control of foxes.


  • Ensure full disclosure of the effects and dangers posed by 1080 on signage and publications to alert the public when and where these baits are used. 


While baiting with 1080 poison is considered to be the most cost-effective method for controlling foxes, it has been used since the early 1960s and yet fox numbers have minimally been impacted.  It is time to put in place a system that protects all animals , waterways and the environment. 

No animal deserves 1080 and we can't risk it in our environment or near our communities.


Ban 1080 on the Northern Beaches

254 Signatures Collected

Only 9,746 more until our goal of 10,000

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