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End the Tragedy at Wentworth Park Greyhound Track

Premier Chris Minns: End the Tragedy at Wentworth Park

Terminate the Lease now 

On Saturday, February 17th, Omega Texas was tragically killed at the Wentworth Park Greyhound track. Omega Texas is not alone. She joins a heartbreaking list of Wentworth Park racing casualties, victims of an industry that prioritises profit over the well-being of dogs. Eleven others suffered injuries that same night, adding to the toll of suffering and despair.

So far this year, 70 dogs have been injured at Wentworth Park. Over decades of greyhound racing there, an untold number of dogs have been killed and injured. Omega Texas, just two years old, crashed on the treacherous first turn, running at a perilous speed of 70km/h. She fell in fear and agony, fracturing her front legs, and was killed by the onsite vet. We didn’t know Omega Texas, but we know she, like all dogs, would have craved love, attention, fun, and comfort – all things denied to her by the racing industry. 

The previous Government stated that the lease at Wentworth Park would expire in 2027. We can't wait that long. How many more dogs will die? Sign the petition. Demand Chris Minns terminates the lease now.

Enough is enough. Premier Chris Minns needs to act. End the lease at Wentworth Park and return this land to the community. A community that does not want dogs being killed by a profit-driven industry in their backyard.

The Inner West needs greenspace not a greyhound track. Chris Minns has the power to turn Wentworth Park into a place for family and community, not cruelty.

Sign this petition and stand with us as we demand an end to the suffering. We remember Omega Texas and all the dogs who have lost their lives in the name of ‘entertainment’ and profit. Together, we can end greyhound racing at Wentworth Park where the community and dogs triumph over the greyhound racing industry.





End the Tragedy at Wentworth Park Greyhound Track

11,059 Signatures Collected

Only 8,941 more until our goal of 20,000

Sign this petition