Pages tagged "Blogs"
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June 18, 2024
Our Community Hand-Delivered 300 Letters to Chris Minns, Urging an End to Shark Nets
Today, the Animal Justice Party community hand-delivered over 300 individually signed letters to AJP MP Emma Hurst at NSW Parliament, calling for immediate legislative action to ban shark nets in New South...
September 03, 2022
Happy Father’s Day, orphaned joey dad Greg Keightley
In honour of Father’s Day, we sat down with Greg Keightley who has been a wildlife rescuer and carer for over 20 years. Greg is also the leader of the Animal Justice...
August 01, 2022
Join us for the 2022 Animal Justice Party National Conference!
We are thrilled to announce the 2022 National Conference – the Animal Justice Party's annual, members-only weekend! We'll hear from animal rights politicians, activists and thought leaders from around the world. The...
June 15, 2022
⚡ONLINE PROTEST: Show the world how Nike is harming kangaroos
⚡PROTEST ONLINE⚡ #Nikekangaroomassacre Our online action is an easy yet extremely powerful way to show Nike that they cannot hide: we will show the world what they are doing! All you have...
May 13, 2022
Rest in peace Jet, ex-racehorse who starved to death
The late Jet, with Animal Justice Party lead Senate candidate Darren Brollo. Last month, Animal Justice Party Senate Candidate Darren Brollo was alerted to the case of ex-racehorse, Jet, who’d been surrendered...
May 12, 2022
How the Morrison Government failed animals
Prime Minister Scott Morrison bullies a sheep. Image: AAP Only one more week till we can throw this Government out! Imagine how it will feel to say goodbye to nine long years...
April 11, 2022
Statement from The Animal Justice Party on animal activist protests
Statement From the Animal Justice Party on Animal Activist protests to mark the anniversary of Dominion.This week’s Dominion anniversary protests sought to highlight the appalling treatment of farmed animals in Australia. The...
April 01, 2022
The Lismore Floods: A message from our President, surrounded by catastrophic suffering
A message from Animal Justice Party President Angela Pollard, as she contemplates the disastrous suffering around her in Lismore, surrounded by catastrophic floods.
June 01, 2021
Celebrating 20 Years of the Dutch Party for the Animals
When the Dutch Party for the Animals first entered Parliament, they were ridiculed with an onslaught of moos, meows and woofs from the other politicians and the press. That was 16 years...
May 01, 2021
Beaten, slaughtered, shot: Camels in Australia
Australia is home to the only wild herds of dromedary camels in the world. Brought here against their will by colonists and later released into the wild, camels in Australia are now...
March 01, 2021
Exclusion fencing: The silent kangaroo killer
Across NSW, animal agribusiness is increasingly erecting taller and stronger fences, covering enormous distances and stopping the movement of animals. They might seem innocuous, but these exclusion fences are a silent killer,...
February 01, 2021
The future of food: Cultured meat
The idea of eating meat grown in a test tube may sound like the futuristic stuff of science fiction, but thanks to several forward-thinking start-ups, it’s one animal-friendly food revolution that’s almost...
January 01, 2021
Factory Farming: Killing more than its intended victims
Intensive animal agribusiness isn’t just costing billions of animal lives, it also comes with a high cost to human health: a price state governments in Australia seem intent on paying. How is...
January 01, 2021
Wombat Mange: A slow and excruciating death
Wombat populations are under continued pressure from reduction of habitat from land clearing, road mortality, illegal shooting and now, growing rates of disease - specifically Sarcoptic Mange (Sarcoptes scabiei), more commonly known...
November 01, 2020
Crushed to death: Pig farming in Australia
Pigs are as playful as dogs and as intelligent as three-year-old children. Yet, to most of us, they are out of sight, and out of mind. But here in Australia, around 5...
October 01, 2020
Shocked, starving, scared: Australia's dog fighting rings
Earlier this year, a 2-year old Kelpie-cross was found lying next to a busy road in Western Sydney. Her muzzle was taped shut, she had deep wounds across her body, no collar...
October 01, 2020
"The World's Richest Disgrace": Greyhound racing in NSW
In 2015, an investigation by Four Corners exposed the greyhound racing industry to be rife with animal cruelty: live baiting, deliberate and systematic overbreeding of dogs, and cheating on a grand scale....
September 01, 2020
Skinned Alive: Mink farming exposed
Over 60 million mink are slaughtered for their fur each and every year - and with COVID-19 infections now running rampant in mink farms, the situation couldn't be worse for these suffering...
September 01, 2020
Fish sentience: The science
Fish feel pain, they are self-aware, they remember, they build relationships and exhibit emotional responses. Deliberately inflicting pain and suffering on these animals is inexcusable. Find out more about the science behind...
August 01, 2020
Join us to end cruel battery cages for good
Later this year, agriculture ministers from NSW and across Australia will come together to define the future of 10 million egg-laying hens stuck in barren cages. What can you do to help...
August 01, 2020
Animals do not belong in the circus
There is growing public disapproval about the use of wild animals in entertainment, yet in NSW there are still exotic animals performing in the circus ring despite the growing public outcry. What...
July 01, 2020
The deadly dairy industry
The mythologising of the dairy industry by industry bodies hides an ugly truth: it relies on impregnating dairy cows and denying calves their mother’s milk. Learn more about the realities of the dairy...
June 01, 2020
Busting the myth that kangaroos are bad for the environment
Kangaroos are a keystone species that are fundamental to effective bushfire management. So why does the NSW Government insist on culling them and allow them to be slaughtered by the commercial industry?...
May 01, 2020
The global political movement for animals
The Animal Justice Party is the first and only political party in Australia giving animals a political voice - but around the world there are a growing number of animal parties successfully...
April 01, 2020
Why treating coronavirus is not enough
As we all grapple with the global impacts of the newest coronavirus (covid-19), it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that like other serious pandemics and epidemics, this disease has...
March 01, 2020
Animal experimentation in Australia: The horrifying reality
Millions of animals including primates, cats, dogs and native animals are still being bred and used for cruel research and experimentation in Australia.
February 01, 2020
The Myth of 1080: Why does Australia still use such a brutal poison?
1080 is an odourless, colourless and tasteless poison. Used extensively in Australia despite being classified as a “weapon of mass destruction”, millions of toxic 1080 baits are currently being dropped by our...